Thomas GODIN (Université de Rouen Normandie ; Laboratoire CORIA (CNRS – Université et INSA de Rouen))
More about this lectureProgramme
Opening lecture
SC1: Emerging methods for data processing and acquisition
Maxime Moreaud (IFPEN, Solaize ; MINES ParisTech, Fontainebleau) & Christophe Zimmer (Unité Imagerie et Modélisation, Institut Pasteur et UMR 3691, Paris)
More about this sessionSC2: Microscopy at the interface of physics and biology
Guillaume Mabilleau (Inserm UMR_S 1229-RMeS Equipe REGOS - Institut de Biologie en Santé - CHU) & Thierry Douillard (Matériaux ingénierie et science - MATEIS, Lyon)
More about this sessionSC3: Diffraction and structural resolution
Wai-Li Ling (Institut de Biologie Structurale - IBS, Grenoble) & Stéphanie Kodjikian (Institut Néel, Grenoble)
More about this sessionSC4: Instrumental advances
Francisco de la Peña (Unité Matériaux et Transformations-UMET, Lille) & Patrick Bron (Centre de Biochimie Structurale - CBS, Montpellier)
More about this sessionMaterials Science Symposia (SDM)
SDM1: Volume imaging, property mapping and correlative approaches
Isabelle Mouton (CEA, Saclay) & Karine Masenelli-Varlot (Matériaux ingénierie et science - MATEIS, Lyon)
More about this sessionSDM2: In situ and Operando microscopies
Patricia Abellan (Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel – IMN, Nantes) & Ileana Florea (CRHEA, Sophia-Antipolis)
More about this sessionSDM3: Microscopy of materials and nano-materials
Carine Davoisne (Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimies des Solides – LRCS, Amiens) & Michaël Texier (Matériaux Microélectronique et Nanosciences de Provence - IM2NP, Marseille)
More about this sessionSDM4: High resolution spectroscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy
Jaysen Nelayah (Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques - MPQ, Paris) & Matthieu Bugnet (Matériaux ingénierie et science - MATEIS, Lyon)
More about this sessionLife Sciences Symposia (SDV)
SDV1: Correlative, combinatorial or multi-modal techniques
Christel Genoud (UNIL, Université de Lausanne ; Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel) & Angélina d’Orlando (Plateforme Imagerie, Biochimie et Structure – BIBS, Nantes)
More about this sessionSDV2: Cryo-methods 1 : nano-objects
Yaser Hashem (ARNA, Pessac) & Marc Schmutz (Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg)
More about this sessionSDV3: Cryo-methods 2 : cell or tissue-based
Anna Sartori (Ultrastructural BioImaging Core facility, Institut Pasteur- Paris) & Aurélie Bertin (Institut Curie, Paris)
More about this sessionSDV4: Strategies for moving towards nanoscale resolution in photonic microscopy
Christine Terryn (PICT Platform, Reims) & Audrey Salles (UtechS Photonic BioImaging (Imagopole) - Institut Pasteur, Paris
More about this sessionWORKSHOPS
Workshop 1: Introduction to the Atom Probe Tomography
Over two half-days, starting on Monday afternoon 3/07, the principle of Atom probe Tomography (APT) and its applicative potential will be introduced through a presentation and then two workshops. Two half-group workshops will be followed successively by all participants. During one of the workshops, the participants will be confronted with the instrument in operation and […]
More about this sessionWorkshop 2: Introduction to Astar
This workshop aims to familiarise participants with the use of the ASTAR tool. This equipment allows the automatic drawing of maps of crystallographic orientations and phases from diffraction images recorded on a transmission electron microscope in scanning mode. It uses a technique for recognising diffraction patterns by comparison with their theoretical signatures (template) calculated beforehand. […]
More about this sessionWorkshop 3: Hyperspy
HyperSpy is a community-developed open-source Python software package for multi-dimensional data analysis. The principal development of HyperSpy is an elegant yet powerful syntax for visualizing, analyzing, accessing and storing multi-dimensional datasets regardless of their size. HyperSpy and its software ecosystem include a wide range of features for electron microscopy. In this workshop, an introduction to […]
More about this sessionWorkshop 4: Acquisition of TEM and STEM EDS
This workshop aims to introduce two groups of 5 people to the experimental principles of EDS acquisition. Participants will be invited to practice on the instrument themselves during the workshop. Speakers: Guillaume Brunetti et Régis Ravelle-Chapuis (JEOL) Program 1 half-day session per group Monday 3/07 14h-18h: Group 1 – Theoretical presentation followed by an experimental […]
More about this sessionWorkshop 5: Complementary approaches to light sheet microscopy
Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) involves illuminating only a thin slice of the sample perpendicular to the axis of the detection system, thus limiting the effects of photobleaching and phototoxicity to the observation plane. To date, there are a multitude of LSFM systems available with designs adapted to the nature and size of the sample. […]
More about this sessionWorkshop 6: FLIM-STED : calibration, acquisition, analysis
Advanced photonic microscopy techniques in super-resolution STimulated Emission Depletion (STED) and Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) will be presented in the form of a workshop with applications in cell biology. A transversal approach sample-probe-equipment-images will be the main thread of this workshop. Particular attention will be given to the steps of instrument calibration and verification […]
More about this sessionWorkshop 7: Image analysis and artificial intelligence
This workshop aims to highlight the importance and growth of the field of digital image analysis and artificial intelligence. “Have you noticed those authentication checks revealing that you are not a robot on some web pages? “Click on the crosswalk” or “Choose images with cats”? Whatever the answer, you are feeding a machine learning algorithm. […]
More about this session