The 19th Sfµ colloquium is a major event for the French and French-speaking community of microscopists. This meeting brings together researchers from various fields of microscopy, including local probe microscopy, optics, electronics, fluorescence, photonics and many others. The aim of the conference is to encourage exchanges between researchers and professionals in order to discuss the latest advances in the field of microscopy.

The conference is generally attended by around 350 people. It is a large-scale event built around scientific sessions: 4 joint sessions at the interface between the Life Sciences (LS) and the Material Sciences (MS), 4 sessions dedicated to the LS, and 4 sessions dedicated to the MS.

This event offers you a privileged platform to:

  • Increase your visibility in the scientific community
  • Present and demonstrate equipment directly to users
  • Establish direct contacts with qualified researchers
  • Strengthen your existing customer relationships
  • Launch and present new products
  • Reinforce your image as a leader and expert in microscopy

The conference will take place at Paul Sabatier University, located in the south of Toulouse and directly accessible from the city center by metro B – Université Paul Sabatier station. The exposition will be held in a 700 m² exhibition hall, which will also host the buffet facilities for the conference. Two large screens will also be set up in the hall, including one at the entrance to the main amphitheater where the scientific sessions will be held.

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