SC3: Diffraction and structural resolution

Wai-Li Ling
Institut de Biologie Structurale - IBS, Grenoble

Stéphanie Kodjikian
Institut Néel, Grenoble
Advances in microscopy instrumentation and methodology are giving a strong impetus to certain fields of research, whether in chemistry, physics or biology, and are creating new analytical techniques. It is now possible to study beam sensitive materials in greater detail, to access atomic resolution for biological samples, to study rapid chemical reactions. At the same time, data sets are becoming larger and more multidimensional. This symposium will focus on work that, through innovations in instrumentation, methodology, or data processing, is pushing the boundaries of life and materials science microscopy. This includes (but is not limited to) innovation in instrumentation (detectors, ultrafast shutters, fieldless objectives, nanocages), new imaging, spectroscopy, and scanning modes, live processing algorithms, automatic microscope alignment, and acquisition and post-processing algorithms that push the boundaries of our field.
Keywords: instrumentation, acquisition, detectors, scanning modes, live processing algorithms, ultrafast shutters, automatic microscope alignment.
Invited speakers

Hanako Okuno
CEA Grenoble
Mapping structure and electric field in two-dimensional materials using 4D-STEM

Jan-Pieter Abrahams
Center for Cellular Imaging and NanoAnalytics (C-CINA), Biozentrum, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Electron diffraction of crystalline and non-crystalline samples for structural biology