Carine Davoisne

Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimies des Solides – LRCS, Amiens

Michaël Texier

Matériaux Microélectronique et Nanosciences de Provence - IM2NP, Marseille

This session covers a very broad spectrum of material science studies using electron, ion, photon and near field microscopy techniques. The variety of topics covered will allow the presentation of recent and original work dedicated to the morphological, microstructural, structural and chemical analysis of materials and nano-materials. This work will thus contribute to a better understanding of the growth mechanisms, mechanical behaviour and physical properties of various systems (metals, functional materials, minerals, oxides, semiconductors, organics, hybrids, etc.), particularly at small scales.

Keywords: morphology, nanostructure, defects, microstructure, composition.

Invited speaker

Stéphanie BRUYÈRES

Institut Jean Lamour-IJL, Nancy

Pérovskites en couche mince comme matériaux pour le solaire thermique