SDM2: In situ and Operando microscopies

Patricia Abellan
Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel – IMN, Nantes

Ileana Florea
CRHEA, Sophia-Antipolis
The mastery of innovative processes for the fabrication of advanced nanomaterials/nanostructures implies an in-depth study of their characteristics at the nanoscale and under their working conditions, followed by an iterative optimisation of their synthesis conditions. This direct observation of the dynamic processes of nanomaterials in their native environment can be addressed by in situ and operando microscopies, which allow scientists to observe chemical reactions, interfacial phenomena and mass transport processes with high temporal and spatial resolution. Such advanced tools not only allow a better understanding of the physics of materials phenomena, but also to see how materials react under the conditions in which they are designed to operate. This symposium will provide an overview of the current state of the art in situ and operando, recent developments in microscopy techniques to study (nano) materials under real conditions and the contribution of radiation chemistry based modelling and atomistic simulations to the interpretation of the results.
Keywords: In situ microscopy, operando, liquid, gas, growth, simulation, interfaces.
Invited speakers

Jaysen Nelayah
Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques – MPQ, Paris
Couplage MET in situ/operando et simulation pour une meilleure compréhension de la structure et la réactivité sous gaz de nanomatériaux

Martien den Hertog
Institut NEEL, Grenoble
Quantitative electrical quantification of semiconducting (nano)materials by (S)TEM based techniques?