SC4: Instrumental advances

Francisco de la Peña
Unité Matériaux et Transformations-UMET, Lille

Patrick Bron
Centre de Biochimie Structurale - CBS, Montpellier
Advances in microscopy instrumentation and methodology are giving a strong impetus to certain fields of research, whether in chemistry, physics or biology, and are creating new analytical techniques. It is now possible to study beam sensitive materials in greater detail, to access atomic resolution for biological samples, to study rapid chemical reactions. At the same time, data sets are becoming larger and more multidimensional. This symposium will focus on work that, through innovations in instrumentation, methodology, or data processing, is pushing the boundaries of life and materials science microscopy. This includes (but is not limited to) innovation in instrumentation (detectors, ultrafast shutters, fieldless objectives, nanocages), new imaging, spectroscopy, and scanning modes, live processing algorithms, automatic microscope alignment, and acquisition and post-processing algorithms that push the boundaries of our field.
Keywords: instrumentation, acquisition, detectors, scanning modes, live processing algorithms, ultrafast shutters, automatic microscope alignment.
Invited speakers

Alexandre Durand
Institut de génétique et de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire – IGBMC, Illkirch
Atteindre la résolution atomique sur les échantillons biologique par cryo-microscopie électronique

Yves Auad
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides – LPS, Orsay
Recent developments in time-resolved spectroscopies in a continuous-gun electron microscope