Workshop 2 – Introduction to Astar
This workshop aims to familiarise participants with the use of the ASTAR tool.
This equipment allows the automatic drawing of maps of crystallographic orientations and phases from diffraction images recorded on a transmission electron microscope in scanning mode. It uses a technique for recognising diffraction patterns by comparison with their theoretical signatures (template) calculated beforehand. These maps allow the structural characterisation of multiphase and polycrystalline materials at the nanoscale.
The workshop will start with a description of the operating mode and the associated analysis techniques (precession, template matching, virtual images, correlation maps, characterisation of grains/grain boundaries, pole figures, …) and will continue with two practical sessions of data processing on workstations using the ASTAR tool’s constituent software.
This workshop will be done in a computer room only.
Speakers: Muriel Véron, Edgar Rauch – Laboratoire SIMAP, Grenoble INP, UGA, Grenoble
Maximum number of participants: 18
Venue: Computer room of Groupe de Physique des Matériaux – Université de Rouen Normandie – Saint Etienne du Rouvray (site du colloque)
Tuesday 4/07
- 8h30-9h: Presentation of ASTAR
- 9h-10h30: Practical session I: mapping of crystallographic orientations (polycrystalline Cu)
- 10h45-12h15: Practical session II: crystal phase identification (multiphase steel)