SDV4: Strategies for moving towards nanoscale resolution in photonic microscopy
Christine Terryn
PICT Platform, Reims
Audrey Salles
UtechS Photonic BioImaging (Imagopole) - Institut Pasteur, Paris
This symposium will explore the different methods to reach nanometric resolution in photonic microscopy by specific sample preparation techniques (expansion microscopy techniques, fluorescent probe optimisation) and/or by super-resolution photonic imaging approaches (PALM/STORM/STED/SIM ….). Moreover, combining these two types of approach opens up new perspectives in the observation of samples. Indeed, the symbiotic relationship between sample preparation and optical innovations allows to surpass the capabilities of imaging systems and to explore the nanometric molecular organisation on samples that were previously more difficult to study.
We therefore invite contributions on all areas of development and application of approaches such as: