Detailed program
Tuesday, July 4
Amphitheatre A – Marie & Pierre Curie
13h20: Introduction of the conference
14h: Plenary talk
Thomas GODIN (Université de Rouen Normandie ; Laboratoire CORIA (CNRS – Université et INSA de Rouen)
Ultra-fast imaging, or capturing images at the speed of light
15h – SC1: Emerging methods for data processing and acquisition
Symposium chairs: Maxime Moreaud (IFPEN, Solaize et MINES ParisTech, Fontainebleau) & Christophe Zimmer (Unité Imagerie et Modélisation, Institut Pasteur et UMR 3691, Paris)
- 15h: Invited talk – Hugues Talbot (CVN-INRIA, Centrale Supelec, Saclay)
A review of machine-learning segmentation methods - 15h30: Romain Moreau (LEM CNRS ONERA, Châtillon)
Deep Learning for the classification of faceted gold nanoparticles investigated with transmission electron microscopy - 15h45: Loïc Grossetête (CEMES-CNRS, Toulouse)
AI-driven TEM alignment and configuration for better data acquisition - 16h00: Murilo Henrique MARTINEZ MOREIRA (ILM, Lyon- Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil)
Quantitative EDS Analysis supported by unsupervised machine learning: Measuring chemical gradients in alloy nanoparticles - 16h15: Adrien Moncomble (MPQ, Paris)
Quantitative Elemental Mapping Of Bimetallic Nanoparticles From Atomic Scale STEM-HAADF Images - 16h30: M. Thomas Bilyk (SR2C, SRMP, CEA, Gyf-sur Yvette)
Deep learning for detection in transmission electron microscopy - 16h45: Olivier Marcelot (ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse)
A Powerful Simulation Solution for Direct Electron Detectors Development
17h: Break – Exhibition & group picture
17h30: Pierre Favard ceremony
18h30: Pierre Favard Sponsors presentations
18h50: Welcome drink
Wednesday, July 5
Amphitheatre A – Marie & Pierre Curie
8h15 – SDM1: Volume imaging, property mapping and correlative approaches
Symposium chairs: Isabelle Mouton (SIMAP, Grenoble) & Karine Masenelli-Varlot (MATEIS, Lyon)
- 8h15: Invited talk – Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin (INATECH, Freiburg – Germany)
Towards the Re-design of interfaces in energy materials - 8h45: Invited talk – Alexandre Mussi (UMET, Lille)
Dernières avancées en tomographie électronique en transmission des dislocations - 9h15: Serge Brosset (CEA, Grenoble)
Deep learning for limited-angle electron tomography - 9h30: Gabriel L’Hôte (MATEIS, Lyon)
Toward low voltage orientation mapping - 9h45 : Nicolas Menguy (IMPMC, Paris)
Collective magnetotaxis of microbial holobionts revealed by cryo-SXT, STXM-XMCD and TEM - 10h: Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume (LGL-TPE, Saint Etienne)
Of the interest of the TEM/APT combination in the sciences of the universe. - 10h15: Exhibitor’s talk – Guillaume Brunetti (JEOL)
JEOL news: cutting edge products for time resolved microscopy” - 10h25: Exhibitor’s talk – Ana Bui (Cameca)
The new generation 6000, the new CAMECA tomographic atom probes.
Amphitheatre C – Ada Lovelace
8h15 – SDV1: Correlative, combinatorial or multi-modal techniques
Symposium chairs: Christel Genoud (UNIL, Université de Lausanne ; Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel) & Angélina d’Orlando (Plateforme Imagerie, Biochimie et Structure – BIBS, Nantes)
- 8h15: Invited talk – Etienne Gontier (Bordeaux Imaging Centre, BIC, Bordeaux)
Différentes approches de Microscopie Corrélative - 8h45: Invited talk – Fabienne Guillon (INRAe UR1268 BIA, Nantes)
Correlative multi and hyperspectral imaging analysis for mapping cell wall composition in plants - 9h15: David Legland (INRAE)
Fusion of MRI and MALDI data for the study of wheat grain development - 9h30: Michaël Trichet (IPBPS, Paris)
Electron Microscopy methods to assay the ultrastructural organization, membrane reshaping and curvature sensitivity behaviour of in vitro septins network - 9h45: Anthony Delaune (GPM, Rouen)
TEM/NanoSIMS correlative imaging to localize TiO2 naoparticles in human skin - 10h : Laurence Dubreil (Oniris, INRAE, PAnTher, Nantes)
Synchrotron deep ultraviolet radiation combined with histological staining to improve phenotyping of dystrophic muscle and assess efficacy of cell-based therapeutic strategies - 10h15: Exhibitor’s talk – Thermofisher
- 10h25: Exhibitor’s talk – Hans Radhoe (Milexia)
Controlling the biochemistry on-the-fly and visualizing reaction dynamics during in-situ liquid phase TEM: a strong tool for biopharmaceutical development
10h35: Break - Exhibition
Amphitheatre A – Marie & Pierre Curie
11h – SC2: Microscopy at the interface of physics and biology
Symposium chairs: Guillaume Mabilleau (Inserm UMR_S 1229-RMeS Equipe REGOS – Institut de Biologie en Santé – CHU, Angers) & Thierry Douillard (Matériaux ingénierie et science – MATEIS, Lyon)
- 11h: Invited talk – Elefterios Paschalis (LBIO Vienne, Autriche)
Vibrational microspectroscopic techniques, Bone Quality, and Fragility Fractures - 11h30: Invited talk – Thomas Dehoux (ILM, Lyon)
Brillouin microscopy : stiffness, and so much more - 12h: Patricia Abellan (IMN, Nantes)
The study of the structure of innovative biomaterials and of their interfaces with cells and hard bone tissue using 3D cryo-FIB/SEM - 12h15: Cécile Marcelot (CEMES, Toulouse)
Design, synthesis, and characterization of protein origami based on self-assembly of a brick and staple artificial protein pair - 12h30: Nathaly ORTIZ PEÑA (MPQ, Paris)
Unveiling MoS2 behavior in biomimetic and biological media: In vivo, in situ and ex vivo complementary study - 12h45: Elio Karim (CEMES, Toulouse)
In-line and off-axis electron holography for the study of biological specimens
13h: Lunch break
Amphitheatre A – Marie & Pierre Curie
14h15 – SDM2 – In situ and Operando microscopies joint with GN MEBA
Symposium chairs: Patricia Abellan (Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel – IMN, Nantes) & Ileana Florea (CRHEA, Sophia-Antipolis)
- 14h15: Invited talk – Jaysen Nelayah (MPQ, Paris)
Coupling in situ/operando TEM and simulation for a better understanding of the structure and reactivity under gas of nanomaterials - 14h45: Invited talk – Martien den Hertog (Institut NEEL, Grenoble)
Quantitative electrical quantification of semiconducting (nano)materials by (S)TEM based techniques? - 15h15: Vincent Mauchamp (PPrime, Poitiers)
Environmental electron energy-loss spectroscopy for the investigation of 2D titanium carbide (MXene) multi-layers interactions with gases - 15h30: Léon Schmidt (IPCMS, Strasbourg)
Correlative in situ microscopy study of photoanodes for solar water splitting - 15h45: Karine Masenelli-Varlot (MATEIS, Lyon)
Operando characterization of plaster setting using Liquid-Phase Scanning Electron Microscopy - 16h: Carine Davoisne (LRCS, Amiens)
Development of operando experiment in situ in the SEM : application to the study of batteries
Amphitheatre C – Ada Lovelace
14h15 – SDV2 – Cryo-methods 1 : nano-objects
Symposium chairs: Yaser Hashem (ARNA, Pessac) & Marc Schmutz (Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg)
- 14h15: Invited talk – Slavica Jonic (IMPMC-CNRS UMR 7590, Sorbonne université)
Data analysis methods based on molecular dynamics simulation for the study of continuous conformational variability - 14h45: Invited talk – Thorsten Wagner (Max Planck Institüt of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund, Germany)
Generalized 3D localization of macromolecules in cryo-electron tomograms with TomoTwin - 15h15: Dominique Housset (IBS, Grenoble)
High pressure freezing and cryo-sectioning as a new approach to prepare protein nano-crystals for microED experiments - 15h30: Kahina Vertchik (LPS, Orsay)
Cryo electron microcopy reveals how electrostatic zipper tunes the DNA double helix conformation in toroidal condensates - 15h45: Frederick Niepceron (IMMM, Le Mans)
Study of self-assembly of supramolecular nanocylinders in solution : complementarity between Cryo-TEM & Light Scattering - 16h: Alexis BIGO—SIMON (Univ. Strasbourg)
Molecular-scale resolution of the structure of short peptides-based nanofiber by cryo-electron microscopy image reconstruction - 16h15: Exhibitor’s talk – Ana Bui (Cameca)
DrugSIMS : une nouvelle technologie pour évaluer l’efficacité du ciblage thérapeutique à l’échelle intracellulaire
16h15: Break – Exhibition
16h30: Poster session
Thursday, July 6
Amphitheatre A – Marie & Pierre Curie
8h15 – SDM3 – Microscopy of materials and nano-materials
Symposium chairs: Carine Davoisne (LRCS, Amiens) & Michaël Texier (IM2NP, Marseille)
- 8h15: Invited talk – Stéphanie BRUYÈRES (Institut Jean Lamour-IJL, Nancy)
Pérovskites en couche mince comme matériaux pour le solaire thermique - 8h45: Dominique Loisnard (EDF Renardières)
Comprehensive materials characterization by EBSD - 9h: Cécile Genevois (CEMHTI, Orléans)
Structural resolution of Ca3GaZn0.5Ge4.5O14, a three isoelectronic cation langasite structure, using quantitative 2D-EDS mapping - 9h15 : Xavier Devaux (IJL, Nancy)
Unveiling unconventional ferroelectric switching in multiferroic gallium oxide thin films - 9h30: Eric Gautron (IMN, Nantes)
Microstructural characterization of CIGS/GaP/Si based tandem solar cells - 9h45: Florian Chabanais (IMN,Nantes)
Investigations by TEM of multi-layered solar selective absorber for concentrated solar power technology - 10h: Daniel Irmer (MAT, Mines Paris)
Investigating the Influence of Cold Rolling on Precipitation in Industrial AA2024 using Advanced Microscopy Techniques - 10h15: Exhibitor’s talk – Jablon Brook (Oxford)
EBSD and pattern matching: map sweeper and dislocation analysis - 10h25: Exhibitor’s talk – Gatan
Amphitheatre C – Ada Lovelace
8h15 – SDV3 – Cryo-methods 2 : cell or tissue-based
Symposium chairs: Anna Sartori (Institut Pasteur- Paris) & Aurélie Bertin (Institut Curie, Paris)
- 8h15: Invited talk – Amélie Leforestier (Laboratoire de Physique des Solides – LPS, Orsay)
Chromatin landscape in situ revealed by cryo-electron tomography of vitreous sections - 8h45 : Invited talk – Vladan Lucic (Max Planck Institüt of Biochemistry, Munich, Germany)
Architecture of cellular membrane-based protein assemblies by cryo-electron tomography - 9h15 : Anastasia Gazi (Institut Pasteur)
Getting closer to the native state safely: Hybrid methods for Electron Tomography of viruses - 9h30 : Paul Lapios (IINS, Bordeaux)
Revealing hub synapses ultrastructure with cryo-CLEM - 9h45 : Margot Sahnine (Institut Pasteur)
F-actin reorganization within bacteria-induced 1D wetting-mediated membrane protrusions - 10h : Cécile Sauvanet (Institut Pasteur)
Morphological control enables nanometer-scale dissection of cell-cell signaling complexes - 10h15 : Exhibitor’s talk – Frédéric Eghiaian (Aberrior)
Abberior confocal, STED & MINFLUX : stretching the boundaries of fluorescence microscopy
10h35: Break – Exhibition - Demonstrations
12h30: Lunch
Amphitheatre A – Marie et pierre Curie
14h: SFµ’s general meeting SFµ
15h30: Break - Exhibition
Amphitheatre A – Marie & Pierre Curie
16h – SC3: Diffraction and structural resolution
Symposium chairs: Wai-Li Ling (IBS, Grenoble) & Stéphanie Kodjikian (Institut Néel, Grenoble)
- 16h: Invited talk – Hanako Okuno (Invitée, CEA Grenoble)
Mapping structure and electric field in two-dimensional materials using 4D-STEM - 16h30: Invited talk – Jan-Pieter Abrahams (Invité, C-CINA, Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland)
Electron diffraction of crystalline and non-crystalline samples for structural biology - 17h: Kevyn Gallegos Moncayo (LRCS, Amiens)
Study of Lithiation Dynamics in Primary Particles of Cathode Materials by 4D-STEM and in situ Electrochemical Liquid TEM - 17h15: Bahae-Zddine Mouloud (INRAE, UMET, Lille)
4D-STEM characterization of beam-sensitive materials: A case study on Hayabusa2’s Ryugu asteroid samples and carbonaceous meteorites - 17h30: Erica Cordero Oyonarte (CRISMAT, Caen)
PEDT for structural analysis of nanoparticles: a study of minimal size and associated dynamical effects - 17h45: Sara Passuti (CRISMAT, Caen)
Structural analysis of functional materials through Scanning Precession Electron Tomography (SPET)
19h00: Gala diner at « Vue sur Seine »
Friday, July 7
Amphitheatre A – Marie & Pierre Curie
8h30 – SC4: Instrumental advances
Symposium chairs: Francisco de la Peña (UMET, Lille) & Patrick Bron (CBS, Montpellier)
- 8h30: Invited talk – Alexandre Durand (Invité, IGBMC, Illkirch)
Achieving atomic resolution on biological samples by cryo-electron microscopy - 9h: Invited talk – Yves Auad (invité, LPS, Orsay)
Recent developments in time-resolved spectroscopies in a continuous-gun electron microscope - 9h30: Martin Hytch (CEMES, Toulouse)
Direct electron detection for automated electron holography - 9h45: Eric Weikum (GPM, Rouen)
Correlating structure and optical properties of a complex III-Nitride heterostructures with A Photonic Atom Probe - 10h: Patricia Abellan (IMN, Nantes)
A new methodology to determine the radiation chemistry of water ice and water-solid interfaces in electron microscopy - 10h15: Jean-François Berret (Univ. Paris Cité)
Magnetic wires as probes for active microrheology: applications to the cytoplasm of living cells and extracellular body fluids
10h30: Break
Amphitheatre A – Marie & Pierre Curie
10h50 – SDM4: High resolution spectroscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy
Symposium chairs: Jaysen Nelayah (MPQ, Paris) & Matthieu Bugnet (MATEIS, Lyon)
- 10h50: Invited talk – Arnaud Arbouet (CEMES, Toulouse)
Ultrafast transmission electron microscopy: principle, instrumental aspects and applications - 11h20: Invited talk – Philippe Moreau (invité, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel – IMN, Nantes)
High-resolution EELS of battery materials: interests and limitations - 11h50: Jassem Baaboura (LPS, Orsay)
Nanometer and nanosecond resolved lifetime measurements through electron-photon coincidences - 12h05: Matthieu Picher(IPCMS, Strasbourg)
Time-resolved TEM and EELS of nanomaterials with nanosecond electron pulses - 12h20: Sylvain Laforet (UMET, Lille)
Space weathering influence on Ryugu’s IR signature: insights from nanoscale vibrational spectroscopy in the STEM - 12h35: Ayoub Benmoumen (IMN, Nantes)
Ion irradiation induced functionalization and structural modifications of 2D transition metal carbide (MXene) thin films as probed by STEM-EELS
Amphitheatre C – Ada Lovelace
10h50 – SDV4: Strategies for moving towards nanoscale resolution in photonic microscopy
Symposium chairs: Christine Terryn (PICT Platform, Reims) & Audrey Salles (UtechS Photonic BioImaging (Imagopole) – Institut Pasteur, Paris)
- 10h50: Invited talk – Ulrike Endesfelder (invitee, Institut für Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie, Bonn, Germany)
Visualizing cellular life – From single cell imaging to in vivo single-molecule biophysics & biochemistry and structural (micro-)biology - 11h20: Invited talk – Paul Guichard (Invité, Centriole Lab, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Geneva, Switzerland)
Revealing the molecular architecture of the cell using Cryo-Ultrastructure Expansion Microscopy (Cryo-ExM) - 11h50: Ibrahim HASSANI (Oniris, Nantes)
iDISCO+/CUBIC clearing methods combined with fluorescent tomato lectin staining, a new approach for 3D quantitative analysis of dystrophic muscle vascularization - 12h10: Magali Grison (Univ. Bordeaux)
Super-resolution expansion microscopy applied at tissue scale in plants